
ERP iScala Database Structure

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Name Description Dependences Example
PL01 Suppliers Company PL010100
PL03 Purchase Ledger Invoices Company PL030100
PL04 Purchase Ledger Invoice Journal Company Year PL040112
PL05 Purchase Ledger Payment Journal Company Year PL050112
PL07 Payment Proposal Company PL070100
PL08 Purchase Ledger Parameters Company Year PL080112
PL09 Purchase Ledger Automatic Accounting Table Company Year PL090112
PL10 Payment Ledger Company PL100100
PL14 Shipping Addresses Company PL140100
PL15 Company PL150100
PL16 Payment Methods Layouts Company PL160100
PL17 VAT Transactions Company PL170100
PL18 Withholding Tax Transactions Company PL180100
PL19 Suppliers Templates Company PL190100
PL21 Purchase Ledger Payments Company PL210100
PL22 Payment Terms PL Company PL220100
PL23 Payment Terms Descriptions Company PL230100
PL24 Tax details for prepayment Company PL240100
PL25 Tax details for payment Company PL250100
PL30 Check Register Company PL300100
PL32 Company PL320100
PL33 Company PL330100
PL40 Prepayment Allocation Lines Company PL400100
PL41 Prepayment Tax Lines Company PL410100
PL43 Prepayment Deductions Company PL430100
PL44 Prepayment Documents Company PL440100
PL45 Extended Bank Info Company PL450100
PL46 Invoice OCR Payment Reference Company PL460100
PL50 Payment Proposal Header Company PL500100
PL51 Payment Proposal Lines Company PL510100
PL56 Swedish BankGiro, PlusGiro services Company PL560100
PL88 Check Printout Company PL880100
PL92 Foreign Payment Temp File I/O PL920000
PL93 Foreign Payment Temp File I/O PL930000
PL95 Russian VAT wrk PL950000
PL96 DueDate report PL960000
PL97 Ledger Statement PL970000
PL98 EC Tax Reports Company PL980100
PLA1 SL account exceptions for revaluation procedure Company PLA10100
PLAG Company PLAG0100
PLB1 Transportation Terms Company PLB1 0100
PLB4 Tax note description lines Company PLB40100
PLBT Company PLBT0100
PLC0 Import information from customs certificates or invoices Company PLC00100
PLDA SEPA Debtor Accounts Company PLDA0100
PLE0 Spain Payment Parameters Company PLE00100
PLH3 Recharge Invoice Accounts Payable Header PLH30000
PLH4 Recharge Invoice Accounts Payable transaction lines PLH40000
PLH5 Company PLH50100
PLH6 Inter-Company Transaction Entry PLH60000
PLH7 Entities and Amounts for current invoice(Work) PLH70000
PLHA Recharge Invoice Parameters Company PLHA0100
PLHB Recharge Invoice Parameters - Target Company PLHB0000
PLHC Work file for entering inter-company transactions PLHC0000
PLHD Recharge Invoice Tax amount PLHD0000
PLHE Recharge expense amounts PLHE0000
PLHF Recharge Amounts PLHF0000
PLHG Recharge Invoice Distribution Templates Company PLHG0100
PLI1 Payment Term Instalments PL Header Company PLI10100
PLI2 Payment Term Instalments PL Lines Company PLI20100
PLI3 Payment Term Instalments PL Company PLI30100
PLIN Invoice Based Intrastat PL Company PLIN0100
PLL1 Supplier Tax Exemptions Company PLL10100
PLL2 Supplier Payment Balances Company PLL20100
PLL3 Payment Proposal Retentions Company PLL30100
PLM0 Company PLM00100
PLM5 Bank Account Number for Currency Code Company PLM50100
PLMH Company PLMH0100
PLPU Company PLPU0100
PLR4 PL Reversed Transaction Company Year PLR40112
PLRE Company PLRE0100
PLS0 SEPA Instalment – Bank account Company PLS00100
PLSE Company PLSE0100
PLSG SEPA Grouping Parameters Company PLSG0100
PLT7 Temp Tax table for autopayments Company PLT70100
PLTC Work File for Printing Tax Certificate PLTC0000
PLTE Company PLTE0100
PLXX PLXX Work File PLXX0000
PLXY PLXY Work File PLXY0000
sca_trg_Audit_PL01 Audit trigger for PL01 table Company sca_trg_Audit_PL010100
sca_trg_Audit_PL03 Audit trigger for PL03 table Company sca_trg_Audit_PL030100
sca_trg_Audit_PL08 Audit trigger for PL08 table Company Year sca_trg_Audit_PL080112
sca_trg_Audit_PL45 Audit trigger for PL45 table Company sca_trg_Audit_PL450100
sca_trg_Audit_PLM0 Audit trigger for PLM0 table Company sca_trg_Audit_PLM00100
SY50 Statistic Currency Rate for Accounting Periods Company Year SY500112

PK Table Name Description Type Length Precision Note
1 PL25 PL25001 InvoiceNo VSTRING 25 25 0 InvoiceNo
2 PL25 PL25002 SupplierCode VSTRING 10 10 0 Supplier Code
3 PL25 PL25003 TransType VSTRING 1 1 0 TransType
6 PL25 PL25004 TaxCodeTaxRate VSTRING 2 2 0 TaxCode/TaxRate
7 PL25 PL25005 LineNo VSTRING 5 5 0 LineNo
8 PL25 PL25006 TransDate DATE 8 0 0 TransDate
PL25 PL25007 InvoiceDate DATE 8 0 0 InvoiceDate
PL25 PL25008 BaseAmount MONEY 20 28 8 BaseAmount
PL25 PL25009 TaxAmount MONEY 20 28 8 TaxAmount
PL25 PL25010 Remark VSTRING 4 4 0 Remark
PL25 PL25011 TransNo VSTRING 9 9 0 TransNo
PL25 PL25012 CashMethod VSTRING 1 1 0 CashMethod
PL25 PL25013 Deductable VSTRING 6 6 0 Deductable
PL25 PL25014 ExpandedMacro VSTRING 1 1 0 ExpandedMacro
PL25 PL25015 Reported VSTRING 1 1 0 Reported
PL25 PL25016 DeductibleAm MONEY 20 28 8 DeductibleAm
PL25 PL25017 BookedCostAmount MONEY 20 28 8 BookedCostAmount
PL25 PL25018 VATDiffAmount MONEY 20 28 8 VATDiffAmount
9 PL25 PL25019 TransactionNoLineNo VSTRING 9 9 0 TransactionNo/LineNo
5 PL25 PL25020 TaxType STRING 6 6 0 TaxType
PL25 PL25021 TaxLiability STRING 6 6 0 TaxLiability
4 PL25 PL25022 TaxCode STRING 6 6 0 TaxCode
PL25 PL25023 DocumentType STRING 3 3 0 DocumentType
PL25 PL25024 TaxClassification STRING 2 2 0 TaxClassification
PL25 PL25025 TaxCertificate VSTRING 15 15 0 TaxCertificate
PL25 PL25026 TaxCertifFlag STRING 1 1 0 TaxCertifFlag
PL25 PL25027 PaymentNumber STRING 2 2 0 PaymentNumber
PL25 PL25028 PaymentSubNumber STRING 2 2 0 PaymentSubNumber
PL25 PL25029 StockItem VSTRING 35 35 0 StockItem
PL25 PL25030 OrigBatchNumber VSTRING 12 12 0 OrigBatchNumber
PL25 PL25031 TaxRate X_NUMERIC 12 20 8 TaxRate
PL25 PL25032 TaxCalcMethod INTEGER 2 0 0 TaxCalcMethod
PL25 PL25033 RateType STRING 1 1 0 RateType
PL25 PL25034 TaxBaseType INTEGER 2 0 0 TaxBaseType
PL25 PL25035 TaxExemption STRING 1 1 0 TaxExemption
PL25 PL25036 TaxExemptionRate X_NUMERIC 12 20 8 TaxExemptionRate
PL25 PL25037 PurchOrderNo VSTRING 10 10 0 PurchOrderNo
PL25 PL25038 FiscTextCode VSTRING 10 10 0 FiscTextCode
PL25 PL25039 TributarySitCode VSTRING 10 10 0 TributarySitCode
PL25 PL25040 CVFCode VSTRING 10 10 0 CVFCode
PL25 PL25041 STBaseAmount MONEY 20 28 8 STBaseAmount
PL25 PL25042 STTaxAmount MONEY 20 28 8 STTaxAmount
PL25 PL25043 TaxCategory VSTRING 10 10 0 TaxCategory
PL25 PL25044 OriginalCompany VSTRING 2 2 0 OriginalCompany
PL25 PL25045 MarginPercent X_NUMERIC 12 20 8 MarginPercent
PL25 PL25046 FixedPrice MONEY 20 28 8 FixedPrice
PL25 PL25047 AcceptedDifference X_NUMERIC 12 20 8 AcceptedDifference
PL25 PL25048 ResolutionName VSTRING 40 40 0 ResolutionName
PL25 PL25049 ResolutionDate DATE 8 0 0 ResolutionDate
PL25 PL25050 InvoiceRefer VSTRING 25 25 0 InvoiceRefer