
ERP iScala Database Structure

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PK Table Name Description Type Length Precision Note
1 AMFR AMFR001 InventoryCod VSTRING 35 35 0 InventoryCod
2 AMFR AMFR002 SubperiodNo VSTRING 1 1 0 SubperiodNo
AMFR AMFR003 GroupOfReval VSTRING 2 2 0 GroupOfReval
AMFR AMFR004 PurchaseDate DATE 8 0 0 PurchaseDate
AMFR AMFR005 DeprAmBefRev MONEY 20 28 8 DeprAmBefRev
AMFR AMFR006 DeprAmAftRev MONEY 20 28 8 DeprAmAftRev
AMFR AMFR007 DepBasBefRev MONEY 20 28 8 DepBasBefRev
AMFR AMFR008 DepBasAftRev MONEY 20 28 8 DepBasAftRev
AMFR AMFR009 BalAccAssets ACCSTR 120 120 0 BalAccAssets
AMFR AMFR010 BalAccDeprec VSTRING 12 12 0 BalAccDeprec
AMFR AMFR011 AccAdditCap VSTRING 12 12 0 AccAdditCap
AMFR AMFR012 Spare VSTRING 1 1 0 Spare
AMFR AMFR013 Spare VSTRING 1 1 0 Spare
AMFR AMFR014 Spare VSTRING 1 1 0 Spare
AMFR AMFR015 FaUpdateFlag STRING 1 1 0 FaUpdateFlag
AMFR AMFR016 TransSentFlg VSTRING 1 1 0 TransSentFlg
AMFR AMFR017 FARecUpdDate DATE 8 0 0 FARecUpdDate
AMFR AMFR018 GLTransactNo STRING 9 9 0 GLTransactNo