
ERP iScala Database Structure

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Name Description Dependences Example
PR01 Project Master Table Company PR010100
PR02 Project Activities Company PR020100
PR03 Project Activity Transactions Company PR030100
PR10 Activity Master Table Company PR100100
PR11 Activity Price Lists Company PR110100
PR13 Project Module Parameters Company PR130100
PR14 Project Invoice Text File Company PR140100
PR15 Project Delivery Addresses Company PR150100
PR17 Project Text Lines Company PR170100
PR18 Project Account Rule On-charges Company PR180100
PR19 Project Sub-project/Resource/Activity Price/Markup Company PR190100
PR23 Project Planning Calendar Company Year PR230112
PR24 Project User Database File Company PR240100
PR25 User Database Definitions Company PR250100
PR26 User Database Field Definitions Company PR260100
PR27 Project Invoice Proposal Transactions Company PR270100
PR28 Project Invoice Proposal Head Company PR280100
PR29 Project Invoice History Company PR290100
PR30 Project User Code File Definition Company PR300100
PR31 Project Invoice Plan Company PR310100
PR32 Project Accounting Journal Company Year PR320112
PR33 Project Automatic Account Coding Schedule Company Year PR330112
PR34 Project Budgets and Forecasts Company PR340100
PR35 Project Sub-projects Company PR350100
PR36 Main Projects Company PR360100
PR37 Project Templates Company PR370100
PR38 Project Invoice History Details Company PR380100
PR39 Company Year PR390112
PR41 Transaction Journal Company PR410100
PR42 Transaction Journal Text Lines Company PR420100
PR43 Resource Time Cards Company PR430100
PR44 Project Delivered Material Company PR440100
PR45 Invoice Statistics Head Company PR450100
PR46 Invoice Statistics Lines Company PR460100
PR47 Invoice Statistics Material Company PR470100
PR48 Import/Export definitions Company PR480100
PR49 WIP History Company PR490100
PR50 Sales Order Template Company PR500100
PR51 Project Activity Descriptions Company PR510100
PR52 Invoice Specification Company PR520100
PR53 Company PR530100
PRGL Company PRGL0100
PRI0 Project Instalments Company PRI00100
PRI2 Project Instalment Lines Company PRI20100
PRI4 Project Instalment Lines History Company PRI40100
PRX1 Wrk. PR0162 PRX10000
PRX2 Time Planning w PRX20000
PRX3 Cl.Pj.Inv. wrk. PRX30000
PRX4 Ed.Inv.Prop.wrk PRX40000
PRX5 Ed.Inv.Prop.wr1 PRX50000
PRX6 PRX60000
PRX7 Ed.Inv.Hist.wr1 PRX70000
PRX8 View Activites PRX80000
PRX9 Pj.Int.Debit w. PRX90000
PRXX Tr.Entries wrk. PRXX0000
PRXY Tr.Entries txt. PRXY0000
PRXZ Reports wrk. PRXZ0000

PK Table Name Description Type Length Precision Note
1 PR01 PR01001 ProjectNo VSTRING 12 12 0 Project Number
PR01 PR01002 MainProjeNo VSTRING 12 12 0 Main Project Number
PR01 PR01003 CustCodeInv VSTRING 10 10 0 Customer Code Invoice
PR01 PR01004 ExtrInfLine1 VSTRING 35 35 0 Extra Information Line 1
PR01 PR01005 ExtrInfLine2 VSTRING 35 35 0 Extra Information Line 2
PR01 PR01006 ExtrInfLine3 VSTRING 35 35 0 Extra Information Line 3
PR01 PR01007 ExtrInfLine4 VSTRING 35 35 0 Extra Information Line 4
PR01 PR01008 CustReferen VSTRING 35 35 0 Customer Reference
PR01 PR01009 ObjProjName VSTRING 25 25 0 Project Name
PR01 PR01010 Description1 VSTRING 35 35 0 Description Line 1
PR01 PR01011 Description2 VSTRING 35 35 0 Description Line 2
PR01 PR01012 OurReference VSTRING 35 35 0 Our Reference
PR01 PR01013 AutoProjStat VSTRING 2 2 0 Project Status (Automatic)
PR01 PR01014 ProjectType VSTRING 2 2 0 Project Type
PR01 PR01015 AccounString ACCSTR 120 120 0 Accounting String
PR01 PR01016 Salesman VSTRING 3 3 0 Salesman
PR01 PR01017 PrcModelInv VSTRING 1 1 0 Price Model for Invoicing
PR01 PR01018 TpWIPCostAcMtrl VSTRING 1 1 0 Type of WIP/Cost Accounting (Material) Accounting method used for cost of material activities:
0 - No WIP/Cost accounting
1 - Direct cost accounting (transactions entered are booked directly as cost)
2 - WIP accounting
3 - WIP accounting with reversal
4 - Percentage of completion (POC)
5 - WIP with reversal and variance transactions
PR01 PR01019 TermsOfPaym VSTRING 2 2 0 Payment Terms
PR01 PR01020 CurrencyCode VSTRING 2 2 0 Currency Code
PR01 PR01021 LanguageCode VSTRING 3 3 0 Language
PR01 PR01022 Pricelist VSTRING 2 2 0 Price List
PR01 PR01023 TaxliabHours VSTRING 1 1 0 Tax liable Hours
PR01 PR01024 TaxliablCost VSTRING 1 1 0 Tax liable Cost
PR01 PR01025 ProjectStat VSTRING 1 1 0 Project Status (Manual) 0 - The project is in quotation status
1 - The project is an active project
9 - The project has been closed
PR01 PR01026 TpWIPCostAcTime VSTRING 1 1 0 Type of WIP/Cost Accounting (Time) Accounting method used for cost of time activities:
0 - No WIP/Cost accounting
1 - Direct Cost accounting (transactions entered are booked directly as cost)
2 - WIP accounting
3 - WIP accounting with reversal
4 - Percentage of completion (POC)
5 - WIP with reversal and variance transactions
PR01 PR01027 TpWIPCostAcCost VSTRING 1 1 0 Type of WIP/Cost Accounting (Cost) Accounting method used for cost of cost activities:
0 - No WIP/Cost accounting
1 - Direct cost accounting (transactions entered are booked directly as cost)
2 - WIP accounting
3 - WIP accounting with reversal
4 - Percentage of completion (POC)
5 - WIP with reversal and variance transactions
PR01 PR01028 FixedPrice MONEY 20 28 8 Fixed Price
PR01 PR01029 CeilingPrice MONEY 20 28 8 Ceiling Price
PR01 PR01030 Manager VSTRING 10 10 0 Resource Code Manager
PR01 PR01031 UserDefined1 VSTRING 20 20 0 User Defined Field 1
PR01 PR01032 UserDefined2 VSTRING 10 10 0 User Defined Field 2
PR01 PR01033 UserDefined3 VSTRING 10 10 0 User Defined Field 3
PR01 PR01034 UserDefined4 VSTRING 8 8 0 User Defined Field 4
PR01 PR01035 UserDefined5 VSTRING 8 8 0 User Defined Field 5
PR01 PR01036 UserDefined6 VSTRING 4 4 0 User Defined Field 6
PR01 PR01037 UserDefined7 VSTRING 4 4 0 User Defined Field 7
PR01 PR01038 UserDefined8 VSTRING 2 2 0 User Defined Field 8
PR01 PR01039 UserDefined9 VSTRING 2 2 0 User Defined Field 9
PR01 PR01040 UserDefine10 VSTRING 1 1 0 User Defined Field 10
PR01 PR01041 ProjCategory VSTRING 4 4 0 Project Category
PR01 PR01042 ActStartDate DATE 8 0 0 Actual Start Date
PR01 PR01043 EnterByUser VSTRING 8 8 0 Created By
PR01 PR01044 EnteredDate DATE 8 0 0 Created On
PR01 PR01045 Spare VSTRING 20 20 0 Spare
PR01 PR01046 Spare VSTRING 43 43 0 Spare
PR01 PR01047 Spare VSTRING 6 6 0 Spare
PR01 PR01048 Spare VSTRING 6 6 0 Spare
PR01 PR01049 Spare VSTRING 6 6 0 Spare
PR01 PR01050 PreviousProjectStatus VSTRING 1 1 0 Previous Project Status Stores previous PR01025 value when the project is closed (i.e. PR01025 = '9')
PR01 PR01051 FlagInvProp VSTRING 1 1 0 Invoice Proposal Status
PR01 PR01052 MultAlloProj VSTRING 1 1 0 Multi-allocation Project
PR01 PR01053 ProjAccCode VSTRING 2 2 0 Accounting Code Project
PR01 PR01054 CustAccCode VSTRING 2 2 0 Accounting Code Customer
PR01 PR01055 VATCodStdPro VSTRING 6 6 0 VAT Code Project (Standard Value)
PR01 PR01056 VATcodFxPrIn VSTRING 6 6 0 VAT Code (Initial Invoice)
PR01 PR01057 PR0157SPARE VSTRING 54 54 0 Accounting String (Internal Customer)
PR01 PR01058 WIPrecogCost MONEY 20 28 8 WIP Recognised Cost (Local Currency)
PR01 PR01059 WIPRecRevenueTime MONEY 20 28 8 WIP Recognised Revenue Time (Local Currency)
PR01 PR01060 WIPRecRevenueCost VSTRING 20 20 0 WIP Recognised Revenue Cost (Local Currency)
PR01 PR01061 WIPRecRevenueMtrl VSTRING 20 20 0 WIP Recognised Revenue Material (Local Currency)
PR01 PR01062 CommitedCost VSTRING 20 20 0 Committed Cost (Local Currency)
PR01 PR01063 LastInvDate DATE 8 0 0 Last Invoice Date
PR01 PR01064 LastInvNo VSTRING 15 15 0 Last Invoice Number
PR01 PR01065 CustCodeOrd VSTRING 10 10 0 Customer Code Order
PR01 PR01066 QuotatDate DATE 8 0 0 Date Quotation Printed
PR01 PR01067 EstStartDate DATE 8 0 0 Estimated Start Date
PR01 PR01068 LatestInvDat DATE 8 0 0 Latest Invoice Date
PR01 PR01069 EstiCompDate DATE 8 0 0 Estimated Completion Date
PR01 PR01070 DateForClos DATE 8 0 0 Date Project Closed
PR01 PR01071 StarDateWarr DATE 8 0 0 Start Date Warranty
PR01 PR01072 WarrantyPer VSTRING 3 3 0 Warranty Period Only for information, no functionality attached to warranty period. The value can be between 0 and 999 and it's not defined which time unit this applies to.
PR01 PR01073 IndexClause VSTRING 1 1 0 Index Clause
PR01 PR01074 InteresBlock VSTRING 1 1 0 Interest Block
PR01 PR01075 Print Non-chargeable Activities VSTRING 1 1 0 Print Non-chargeable Activities 0 - Non-chargeable activities are not printed on Invoice proposal and invoice
1 - Non-chargeable activities are printed on invoice proposal only
2 - Non-chargeable activities are printed on both invoice proposal and invoice
PR01 PR01076 InvPropFlag VSTRING 1 1 0 Invoice Print Status 0 - No sent/open invoice or invoice proposal exist for the project
1 - sent/open invoice proposal exist for the project
2 - sent/open invoice exist for the project
PR01 PR01077 DefOrCouOR VSTRING 1 1 0 Default Order Counter for Sales Orders
PR01 PR01078 QuotaPrint VSTRING 1 1 0 Quotation Print Status 0 - Printing of quotation is not selected for the project, it can still be sent manually
1 - Printing of quotation is selected for the project
2 - Quotation has been sent for the project
PR01 PR01079 ProjTempIDUs VSTRING 2 2 0 Project Template ID
PR01 PR01080 CurrBasBdgID VSTRING 2 2 0 Current Base-line Budget ID
PR01 PR01081 InvOnSubProjectLevl VSTRING 18 18 0 Invoice on Sub-Project Level
PR01 PR01082 QuotatFlag VSTRING 1 1 0 Is Quotation
PR01 PR01083 UserGroup VSTRING 8 8 0 User Group
PR01 PR01084 CustCodeDeli VSTRING 10 10 0 Customer Code Delivery
PR01 PR01085 FlagOrdeAck VSTRING 1 1 0 Order Confirmation Print Status 0 - Printing of order confirmation is not selected for the project, it can still be sent manually
1 - Printing of order confirmation is selected for the project
2 - Order confirmation has been sent for the project
PR01 PR01086 FlagPickList VSTRING 1 1 0 Work-order Print Status 0 - Printing of work-order is not selected for the project, it can still be sent manually
1 - Printing of work-order is selected for the project
2 - Work-order has been sent for the project
PR01 PR01087 FlagDipaNote VSTRING 1 1 0 Project Specification Print Status 0 - Printing of project specification is not selected for the project, it can still be sent manually
1 - Printing of project specification is selected for the project
2 - Project specification has been sent for the project
PR01 PR01088 FlagInvoice VSTRING 1 1 0 Invoice Print Status
PR01 PR01089 TaxPoint VSTRING 1 1 0 Tax Point
PR01 PR01090 TermsOfDeliv VSTRING 2 2 0 Delivery Terms
PR01 PR01091 WayOfDeliv VSTRING 2 2 0 Delivery Method
PR01 PR01092 HandlingFee MONEY 20 28 8 Invoice Fee (Project Currency)
PR01 PR01093 FreightAmoun VSTRING 20 20 0 (obsolete)
PR01 PR01094 VATCodeFreig VSTRING 2 2 0 Budget Code for WIP Percentage of Completion
PR01 PR01095 Packing VSTRING 20 20 0 String Project Template
PR01 PR01096 VATCodePack VSTRING 10 10 0 Interest Late Payment %
PR01 PR01097 Insurance DATE 8 0 0 Last Revenue Recognition Date
PR01 PR01098 VATCodeInsur X_NUMERIC 6 14 8 Last Revenue Recognition Percentage
PR01 PR01099 Warehouse X_NUMERIC 6 14 8 Percentage of Revenue
PR01 PR01100 InvSortCode VSTRING 2 2 0 Invoice Sort Code
PR01 PR01101 DocumLayout VSTRING 1 1 0 Document Layout
PR01 PR01102 CurrContract VSTRING 1 1 0 Currency Contract
PR01 PR01103 FixeExchRate X_NUMERIC 20 28 8 Fixed Exchange Rate 1
PR01 PR01104 ContractNo VSTRING 15 15 0 Currency Contract Number
PR01 PR01105 PurchaseOrderCount VSTRING 15 15 0 Default Purchase Order Counter
PR01 PR01106 CustomPONo VSTRING 30 30 0 Customer Purchase Order Number
PR01 PR01107 BookEntrDate DATE 8 0 0 Book-Entry Date
PR01 PR01108 InvMergeOpt VSTRING 1 1 0 Invoice Merge Option Invoice merge option (invoices will be consolidated in sales ledger).
0 - No consolidated invoice
1 - Consolidate invoice per week
2 - Consolidate invoice per month
PR01 PR01109 UpdatedOn DATE 8 0 0 Updated On
PR01 PR01110 InterLatePay VSTRING 8 8 0 Updated By
PR01 PR01111 DateConvQuo DATE 8 0 0 Date Converted Quotation to Order
PR01 PR01112 ConvByUser VSTRING 8 8 0 Converted By
PR01 PR01113 FixedExchangeRate2 X_NUMERIC 10 18 8 Fixed Exchange Rate 2
PR01 PR01114 FixedXchgRateAlgorit STRING 3 3 0 Fixed Exchange Rate Algorithm
PR01 PR01115 invoiceCurrencyCode INTEGER 2 0 0 Currency Code Invoice
PR01 PR01116 RequestNo STRING 10 10 0 Customer Request No
PR01 PR01117 SiteCode STRING 25 25 0 Site Code
PR01 PR01118 ProjectPriority INTEGER 1 0 0 Project Priority
PR01 PR01119 ProjectPriorityWeighted INTEGER 1 0 0 Weighted Project Priority
PR01 PR01120 LinkedSalesOrderCounter STRING 1 1 0 Linked Sales Order Counter
PR01 PR01121 LinkedPurchOrderCounter STRING 1 1 0 Linked Purchase Order Counter
PR01 PR01122 LinkedServiceOrderCounter VSTRING 6 6 0 Linked Service Order Type
PR01 PR01123 LinkedServiceContractCounter VSTRING 3 3 0 Linked Service Contract Type
PR01 PR01124 LinkedWorkOrderCounter STRING 1 1 0 Linked Work Order Counter
PR01 PR01125 ProjectTaxLiability STRING 6 6 0 Tax Liability Code Project
PR01 PR01126 TaxCodeInvFee STRING 6 6 0 Tax Code Invoicing Fee
PR01 PR01127 InvoiceIssuer STRING 6 6 0 Invoice Issuer Code
PR01 PR01128 InvoiceCategory SWITCH 1 1 0 Invoice Category
PR01 PR01129 InvoiceType SWITCH 1 1 0 Invoice Type
PR01 PR01130 SpecificationNo VSTRING 15 15 0 Specification No
PR01 PR01131 Operation Type (Project level) VSTRING 10 10 0 Operation Type (Project level)
PR01 PR01132 Financial Operation Code (Project level) VSTRING 10 10 0 Financial Operation Code (Project level)
PR01 PR01133 Operation Type (Time activities level default) VSTRING 10 10 0 Operation Type (Time activities level default)
PR01 PR01134 Financial Operation Code (Time activities level default) VSTRING 10 10 0 Financial Operation Code (Time activities level default)
PR01 PR01135 Operation Type (Cost activities level default) VSTRING 10 10 0 Operation Type (Cost activities level default)
PR01 PR01136 Financial Operation Code (Cost activities level default) VSTRING 10 10 0 Financial Operation Code (Cost activities level default)
PR01 PR01137 Operation Type (Material activities level default) VSTRING 10 10 0 Operation Type (Material activities level default)
PR01 PR01138 Financial Operation Code (Material activities level default) VSTRING 10 10 0 Financial Operation Code (Material activities level default)
PR01 PR01139 Instalment SWITCH 1 1 0 Instalment
PR01 PR01140 InterestPercent VSTRING 6 6 0 Interest%
PR01 PR01141 NewInterestPercent VSTRING 6 6 0 New Interest%
PR01 PR01142 ActivateNewInterestDate DATE 8 0 0 Activate New Interest Date
PR01 PR01143 FinancialChage MONEY 20 28 8 Financial Chage
PR01 PR01144 InterestTaxCode STRING 6 6 0 Interest Tax Code
PR01 PR01145 FinancialTaxCode STRING 6 6 0 Financial Tax Code
PR01 PR01146 District STRING 2 2 0 District
PR01 PR01147 AdvertisingCode STRING 2 2 0 Advertising Code
PR01 PR01148 CityCode STRING 4 4 0 City Code
PR01 PR01149 SNICode STRING 5 5 0 SNI Code
PR01 PR01150 CommissionDistributionMethod STRING 1 1 0 Commission Distribution Method
PR01 PR01151 BankCode VSTRING 10 10 0 Bank Code
PR01 PR01152 PaymentAddressCode VSTRING 2 2 0 Payment Address Code
PR01 PR01153 ExtendedCommissionCode STRING 2 2 0 Extended Commission Code
PR01 PR01154 ExternalCommissionCode VSTRING 10 10 0 External Commission Code
PR01 PR01155 ExternalComissionAmount MONEY 20 28 8 External Comission Amount
PR01 PR01156 FlagElectonicProject INTEGER 1 0 0 Flag Electonic Project
PR01 PR01157 FlagDocXMLInvoice INTEGER 1 0 0 Flag Doc XML Invoice
PR01 PR01158 EmailAddress VSTRING 200 200 0 E-Mail Address
PR01 PR01159 LastInvoiceTime X_DATETIME 17 0 0 Last Invoice Time
PR01 PR01160 MasterProject VSTRING 12 12 0 Master Project
PR01 PR01161 RecognitionModel STRING 3 3 0 Recognition Model
PR01 PR01162 RecModelMasterProj STRING 1 1 0 Rec model from master project
PR01 PR01163 CostReallocation STRING 1 1 0 Cost Reallocation
PR01 PR01164 ClosingRule STRING 1 1 0 Closing rule
PR01 PR01165 WarrantySubProject VSTRING 6 6 0 Warranty SubProject
PR01 PR01166 WarrantyActivityLine VSTRING 6 6 0 Warranty Activity Line
PR01 PR01167 ProjectRevenuePCU MONEY 20 28 8 Project Revenue PCU
PR01 PR01168 CreditCheckPassed SWITCH 1 1 0 Credit Check Passed
PR01 PR01169 SpesometroForms VSTRING 12 12 0 Spesometro Forms
PR01 PR01170 PublicProcurementCode1 VSTRING 20 20 0 Public Procurement Code 1
PR01 PR01171 PublicProcurementCode2 VSTRING 20 20 0 Public Procurement Code 2
PR01 PR01172 Operation Type (Linked activities level default) VSTRING 10 10 0 Operation Type (Linked activities level default)
PR01 PR01173 Financial Operation Code (Linked activities level default) VSTRING 10 10 0 Financial Operation Code (Linked activities level default)
PR01 PR01174 TaxRegCountry STRING 3 3 0 Tax Registration Country