
ERP iScala Database Structure

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Name Description Dependences Example
PR01 Project Master Table Company PR010100
PR02 Project Activities Company PR020100
PR03 Project Activity Transactions Company PR030100
PR10 Activity Master Table Company PR100100
PR11 Activity Price Lists Company PR110100
PR13 Project Module Parameters Company PR130100
PR14 Project Invoice Text File Company PR140100
PR15 Project Delivery Addresses Company PR150100
PR17 Project Text Lines Company PR170100
PR18 Project Account Rule On-charges Company PR180100
PR19 Project Sub-project/Resource/Activity Price/Markup Company PR190100
PR23 Project Planning Calendar Company Year PR230112
PR24 Project User Database File Company PR240100
PR25 User Database Definitions Company PR250100
PR26 User Database Field Definitions Company PR260100
PR27 Project Invoice Proposal Transactions Company PR270100
PR28 Project Invoice Proposal Head Company PR280100
PR29 Project Invoice History Company PR290100
PR30 Project User Code File Definition Company PR300100
PR31 Project Invoice Plan Company PR310100
PR32 Project Accounting Journal Company Year PR320112
PR33 Project Automatic Account Coding Schedule Company Year PR330112
PR34 Project Budgets and Forecasts Company PR340100
PR35 Project Sub-projects Company PR350100
PR36 Main Projects Company PR360100
PR37 Project Templates Company PR370100
PR38 Project Invoice History Details Company PR380100
PR39 Company Year PR390112
PR41 Transaction Journal Company PR410100
PR42 Transaction Journal Text Lines Company PR420100
PR43 Resource Time Cards Company PR430100
PR44 Project Delivered Material Company PR440100
PR45 Invoice Statistics Head Company PR450100
PR46 Invoice Statistics Lines Company PR460100
PR47 Invoice Statistics Material Company PR470100
PR48 Import/Export definitions Company PR480100
PR49 WIP History Company PR490100
PR50 Sales Order Template Company PR500100
PR51 Project Activity Descriptions Company PR510100
PR52 Invoice Specification Company PR520100
PR53 Company PR530100
PRGL Company PRGL0100
PRI0 Project Instalments Company PRI00100
PRI2 Project Instalment Lines Company PRI20100
PRI4 Project Instalment Lines History Company PRI40100
PRX1 Wrk. PR0162 PRX10000
PRX2 Time Planning w PRX20000
PRX3 Cl.Pj.Inv. wrk. PRX30000
PRX4 Ed.Inv.Prop.wrk PRX40000
PRX5 Ed.Inv.Prop.wr1 PRX50000
PRX6 PRX60000
PRX7 Ed.Inv.Hist.wr1 PRX70000
PRX8 View Activites PRX80000
PRX9 Pj.Int.Debit w. PRX90000
PRXX Tr.Entries wrk. PRXX0000
PRXY Tr.Entries txt. PRXY0000
PRXZ Reports wrk. PRXZ0000

PK Table Name Description Type Length Precision Note
1 PR46 PR46001 ProjectNo VSTRING 12 12 0 Project Number
2 PR46 PR46002 InvoiceNo VSTRING 15 15 0 Invoice Number
3 PR46 PR46003 LineNumber VSTRING 6 6 0 Line Number
PR46 PR46004 SubProject VSTRING 6 6 0 Sub-Project
PR46 PR46005 DescrSubProj VSTRING 35 35 0 Description Sub-Project
PR46 PR46006 ManagSubProj VSTRING 10 10 0 Manager Sub-Project
PR46 PR46007 ActivityLine VSTRING 6 6 0 Activity Line Number
PR46 PR46008 ActivStrLine VSTRING 6 6 0 Activity Sub-line Number
PR46 PR46009 ActivCode VSTRING 6 6 0 Activity Code
PR46 PR46010 TypeOfActiv VSTRING 1 1 0 Activity Type 0 - Cost Activity
1 - Time Activity
2 - Material Activity (Sales Order or Purchase Order)
5 - Linked Sales Order
6 - Linked Purchase Order
7 - Linked Service Order
8 - Linked Contract
9 - Linked Work Order
PR46 PR46011 DescActiLine VSTRING 35 35 0 Description Activity Line
PR46 PR46012 ManaActiLine VSTRING 10 10 0 Manager Activity Line
PR46 PR46013 InclFixPrice VSTRING 1 1 0 Is Included in Fixed Price
PR46 PR46014 ReportCode VSTRING 8 8 0 Report Code Transaction
PR46 PR46015 LinkedModule VSTRING 1 1 0 Linked Module Only used for activity type 0 and 2:
0 - Purchase Order
1 - Sales Order
PR46 PR46016 LinkedOrdNo VSTRING 10 10 0 Linked Order Number
PR46 PR46017 TransactDate DATE 8 0 0 Transaction Date
PR46 PR46018 ResourceCode VSTRING 10 10 0 Resource Code
PR46 PR46019 InvcdHrsQty X_NUMERIC 12 20 8 Invoiced Quantity/Hours
PR46 PR46020 InvoicePrice MONEY 20 28 8 Unit Price Invoiced (Project Currency)
PR46 PR46021 Cost MONEY 20 28 8 Unit Cost (Local Currency)
PR46 PR46022 ChargeCode VSTRING 1 1 0 Charge Activity 0 - Activity shall not be charged to customer but cost allocated to the project
1 - Activity will included when invoicing the project
PR46 PR46023 AccounString ACCSTR 120 120 0 Accounting String
PR46 PR46024 VATcode VSTRING 6 6 0 VAT Code
PR46 PR46025 LinkActiLine VSTRING 6 6 0 Linked Activity Line Number
PR46 PR46026 LnkActStrLin VSTRING 6 6 0 Linked Activity Sub-line Number
PR46 PR46027 DateType012 VSTRING 1 1 0 Date Type Time reported as per:
0 - Date
1 - Week
2 - Month
PR46 PR46028 ActuHrsQty X_NUMERIC 12 20 8 Actual Quantity/Hours
PR46 PR46029 TransactionNoAct STRING 6 6 0 Activity Transaction Line
PR46 PR46030 CustCodeInv STRING 10 10 0 Customer Code Invoice